NO MAN'S SKY Cleared Of False Advertising Claim By UK Agency

The U.K. based Advertising Standards Association has completed their investigation of Hello Games and has concluded that they did not falsely advertise No Man's Sky to consumers. The agency first began their investigation back in September when 23 complaints were lodged to the organization in regards to the Steam page for the game. 

The full investigation report can be read right here, but I can break it down for you in a couple bullet points.

  • The ASA investigated claims that Hello Games engaged in false advertising by featuring images with enhanced graphics and gameplay that were not present in the game.
  • Hello Games said that because the game is procedurally generated it would be "very difficult" to replicate the scenes depicted in their screenshots in game. 
  • Hello Games said complaints lodged against their user interface have been addressed and fixed, and the ASA concluded that the feature would not be a factor in someone buying a game.
  • Hello Games also said that performance and quality of gameplay was completely reliant on the computer system a player was running the game on, and that the computer they used for their screenshots was of "average" standards. The company used this defense for many of the performance and gameplay complaints lodged towards the game. 
  • When asked about the "factions vie for territory" Hello Games responded the wording was specific enough to say that there was no actual story, but that the player's personal narrative would drive the game.

Personally, I maintain that the real "false advertising" was speculation from the fan base and Hello Games not exactly discouraging all the rampant theories and features that would be associated with the game. It's also important to note that this investigation did not touch on the multiplayer claims of the game, which Hello Games still has yet to admit doesn't exist. 

So what's your take? Was the wool pulled over consumer eyes or did they blind themselves when it came to No Man's Sky