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PUBG Drops Lawsuit Against FORTNITE

The lawsuit between PUBG Corp. and Epic Games is now officially over as the former officially dropped charges against Fortnite’s developer, Bloomberg reported today. 

A few months ago, PUBG’s developers filed a lawsuit against Epic Games and claimed damages saying that Fortnite is a blatant rip-off of PUBG. However, after months of legal battle, PUBG dropped all charges but did not disclose any explanation. Bloomberg reported that PUBG confirmed that they pulled out the lawsuit against Epic. However, it is unclear if the two companies reached a settlement out of court. 

Looking at the situation closely, it is not surprising that the legal dispute between the two ended this way. Both PUBG and Epic shares common interest in Tencent, which has ownership on both companies. Also, it is worth remembering the PUBG uses Unreal Engine to run the game, an engine that is both developed and owned by Epic Games. 

Despite the legal dispute in past months, Fortnite still continues to grow and has recently expanded to the Nintendo Switch. In fact, Fortnite even surpassed PUBG concerning revenue last March, as the game is currently enjoying a whopping 125 million players, which they were able to achieve a year after launch.