Rumor: Leaked Images Appear To Show Norse Themed GOD OF WAR 4

There are a ton of images floating around on Neogaf right now indicating they are concept art for the upcoming God of War 4. You can check out the full group there, but below are the ones that have people talking the most! According to Nerdleaks, who initially obtained the information, here's what these pictures tell us...

- There is Kratos, with beard;
- The setting is the Norse Mythology;
- Kratos will visit Alfheim, “Land Of The Fairies”, one of the Nine Worlds and home of the Light Elves (concepts show the Wall and the Temple Door);
- Kratos will be in one or more prison;
- Kratos has an Axe, with wich he can cut vines and create bridges/walkways;
- The surrounding environment could interact with the character (if Kratos brushes-up against the vines, they expell visible spores).

Currently Nerdleaks in inaccessible. Whether that's due to immense amount of traffic or cease and desist from EA lawyers we don't know. Do you think the concept art is legit?