Story Trailer For BATTLEBORN Shows Us The Classic Gearbox Attitude

Even if I knew absolutely nothing about Battleborn before this trailer, I would know it was Gearbox. You have the somewhat dated but classic alt-rock song blasting, snarky dialogue, and lots of action!

For those not in the know this game is labeled as an FPS style MOBA unless you ask Gearbox then they'll say it's nothing like a MOBA. We featured around 30 minutes of gameplay a couple days back and having seen that I can say it is definitely a spin off of a MOBA. That isn't a bad thing Gearbox! Embrace it!

I'm really digging the style of this one! In a market that is soon to be saturated with MOBA's this one is near the top of my list! Anyone else eyeballing this one! If you are look out for the open beta April 8th!

Battleborn releases May 3rd on PC/PS4/Xbox One