Team Up To Survive THE SURVIVALISTS, A Spin-Off From THE ESCAPISTS Series

One of the more popular series out there has a new co-op title coming called The Survivalists! Being a spin-off from The Escapists game series, Team17 is throwing players on an island to be stranded and forced to survive. And it’s no secret that survival is more probable when you work together with friends to make it happen, so gather another 3 stranded friends and try out the free online demo on Steam before the online demo ends at 12.00pm BST on June 26th.

Your only task is to stay alive in the harsh and procedurally generated island wilderness. In this demo, which features many key gameplay elements the game will have when it launches on PC and consoles later this year, players will be able to utilize crafting, building, combat, and… monkey training? What an interesting twist mechanic added there. Check out the full list of features:

  • Co-op Survival: Up to four players can join forces to explore the world of The Survivalists, helping each other out to stay alive

  • Crafting & Building: Various items great and small can be crafted in the demo, from weapons to tools and buildings to keep your crew sheltered

  • Monkeys Galore: Enlist the help of monkeys for a number of tasks, including protecting your group and plundering resources

  • Curiosity is rewarded: Players are encouraged to explore their surroundings, where they’ll encounter dangerous wildlife, mythical enemies, and tantalizing secrets