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THE GAME AWARDS 2019 Official Event Details Have Been Released

Easily the biggest gaming event of the year has to be The Game Awards. This is the time at the end of each year where we look back on the games that have released to bring highlights and awards to the titles that are most memorable. Get ready to place your vote because The Game Awards 2019 will be coming up on December 12th.

For those interested in attending the 5th anniversary show of this award show, you can purchase your tickets here. It is set to be held at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles, California. If you can’t make it to the live event, then be sure to catch the live stream from one of the 45 different platforms, including YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, Facebook, Mixer, and many more.

The list of games that are to be nominated for the various awards, including Game of the Year, is still to be announced, but I am sure many of us can think of the titles we expect. Gears 5 being the latest game that is easily sure to be a formidable nominee in the running against the still-to-launch titles, such as The Surge 2, Death Stranding, and Luigi’s Mansion 3. There are tons of other categories to look forward to as well and hundreds of new games to consider for the different awards this event offers.

Personally, I am looking forward to the best Indie Game of the Year as those are the games that usually catch my attention and that I play through the most myself. I can see the nominees for this category including A Plague’s Tale: Innocence, Blasphemous, Blair Witch, and DARQ, but we won’t truly know until the nominee list is announced.

It is still early in the year and there are a bunch of games still coming out this year. At least we have an official date to mark down on our calender’s and can start putting together our own lists of favorites so we’re ready when it comes time to vote. What games do you expect to see on the nomination list? Which award are you looking most forward to being announced?