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Try Playing Blindly With THE VALE's Xbox One Demo

Another game that is proudly putting up their demo as part of the Xbox Summer Game Fest Demo event is the audio-based, eyes-shut action-adventure title The Vale: Shadow of the Crown from Falling Squirrel. I was given a chance to try this interesting experience out a while back and this game is definitely different. It’s a game that has very little visual hint and will require players to put on their headphones and let the sounds of the world guide them. You can check out the original announcement trailer above.

There will be combat, hunting, resource gathering, and everything else that goes into a full-scale adventure in this game. The only thing that there won’t be is a visual as you play as a royal maiden who was Second-to-the-Thrown, but was blind at birth and has recently been exiled to the edges of the kingdom upon the coronation of your elder brother being crowned King of the land.

I know that graphics is a big aspect for a lot of players out there and the idea of not having any visual seems odd, if not ridiculous for a video game. However, The Vale is being created with close consultation with the Canadian Institute for the Blind and is ready to deliver a new, unique experience. Besides, it is a free demo! Do you think you can even handle a game that has you rely on your other senses?