V1 Interactive Shares Fun Stats From The DISINTEGRATION Beta!

The Disintegration beta last week was quite an interesting spectacle as tons of players from all around the globe hopped on to try V1 Interactive’s new title. After the 4 day beta period, I think we can all agree that we are interested to see how the final game shapes up. If you are interested in our full thoughts on the beta you can check out our previous coverage here. Today, V1 Interactive has released a new infographic outlining some of the key stats of the 4-day trial. Check it out below!

Pretty cool right? I love seeing how much healing and commands were issued and the top played teams. I think we can all agree that clowns are the worst yeah?! Anyways, we would love to hear from all of you on what your favorite parts of the Disintegration beta were and what you hope to see added or changed for the final release.