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Well Received Cyberpunk Puzzle Game 7TH SECTOR Hits Consoles In February

After launching initially on Steam back in March 2019, 7th Sector is finally making its way onto all of the major consoles. Thanks to indie publisher Sometimes You, we can expect to see this cyberpunk puzzle game and its dark dystopian world on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch as soon as February 5th! If you don’t know this game but are a fan of games like Inside or Little Nightmares, then this is the next title to smash your radar with hype.

It will be up to you to solve a variety of puzzles, face countless dangers along an intricate path, and collect information to understand the story this world hides within it. There are up to four different endings, so keep in mind that your choices and actions will influence which ending you get. Get ready to control an array of different machines that all have their own style and function to use in order to solve puzzles and survive.