What Game Are You Playing This Weekend?!

Ahh yes another weekend is upon us! One of the best things to do on the weekend is spend some time progressing in our favorite games. With the Game Awards just behind us we have seen the best 2018 has to offer! So what do you plan to dig into, something old, something new or something award winning?! As for me I am going to be diving deeper into one game in particular!

X4: Foundations

For the first time I have been able to get into the space sim genre and my is it expansive! Having already put over 10 hours into the game I have barely scratched the surface of what can be done. Having my first ship blown up by pirates and the beginnings of a trade empire I can’t wait to see where my adventure will go next! The path is really up to you as the player and the possibilities are seemingly limitless. if you have been curious about the genre go check it out!

That’s my list for this weekend, what game(s) do you plan on diving into this weekend?! Let us know in the comments below.