You Don't Have To Play With Champion Special Abilities In QUAKE CHAMPIONS

For the most part, Quake Champions is the same Quake experience you've known from the past.  What's changed is that each champion you play as will have a special ability they can utilize in battle. While some people are excited for the new feature, I would imagine the purists are a bit skeptical about how the feature will affect the game. Gamespot reports the purists can breathe a sigh of relief as the project lead confirms the hero powers can be turned off.

There's a catch though. This ability is only available in custom game mode. As for competitive mode players will have to learn to love the new abilities in the game. Personally, I don't see a problem with the included feature provided it's balanced. I'm sure that won't be the case looking at the diverse set of abilities featured in the trailer, but that's what beta testing is for.

Are you happy with Quake's champion abilities feature or do you think they need to get back to basics?