ALWA'S AWAKENING: THE 8-BIT EDITION Is Now Available For Pre-Order!


For fans of retro inspired games, there has been no shortage of amazing titles to check out over the past few years. One such title is Alwa’s Awakening from Elden Pixels. Released on Steam back in 2017, Alwa’s Awakening quickly became a fan favorite with its 8-bit inspired aesthetic and top-notch Metroidvania style gameplay. The game saw subsequent ports to consoles and a 16-bit inspired sequel, Alwa’s Legacy. But the team at Elden Pixels decided they weren’t quite done with that original game just yet and decided to bring it to the console that inspired it, the NES. With the help of programmer Brad Smith and Retro-Bit Publishing, we are now able to experience Zoe’s (the name of our magical protagonist!) first adventure in a whole new way!

Alwa’s Awakening: The 8-Bit Edition manages to fit the entire 280 MB game down into a single 512 KB NES cartridge while retaining the core gameplay aspects of the original.

Key highlights of Alwa’s Awakening: The 8-Bit Edition include

3 NEW areas explore and traverse

2 NEW song tracks

Game screen has been shrunk to fit the NES® display

Room layouts have been updated

Some enemy and hazard placements are different

With Retro-Bit Publishing handling the physical release (a first for the company outside of its own releases) the game is getting the full collector’s edition treatment!

Each NES copy of Alwa’s Awakening: The 8-Bit Edition will include the following

Frosted 8-Bit Cartridge

Cartridge Packaging with Exclusive Slipcover

Behind the Game Developer Interview

Certificate of Authenticity

Animated Lenticular Card

Mini level poster

Full colored instruction manual

Retro-Bit has also decided upon a new type of release for the game with their new Digical Edition. This version of the game comes on a Zoe themed flash drive with a room copy of the game and loads of digital goodies all packed in a cool box. For the last few releases Retro-Bit has put out fans have asked for a way to get the games digitally and this new Digical effort looks like a neat mix of both digital and physical (see how they got the name?) releases! It also must be stated that there is no DRM on any contents of the Digical Edition so you don’t have to worry about not being able to play it down the road.

Each Digical release of Alwa’s Awakening: The 8-Bit Edition includes

Displayable Packaging

Retractable Zoe (8GB) USB®

Alwa’s Awakening: 8-Bit Edition ROM*

Detailed Digital Instruction Manual

Behind the Game Developer Interview

Digital Wallpaper Featuring Exclusive Artwork

Both editions of the game are available now for open pre-order until October 17th with the NES edition coming in at $59.99 and Digical at $19.99. For North American customers you can grab either release from CastleMania Games or Limited Run Games. European Customers can check out Strictly Limited Games, Dragon Box Shop, and Spel & Sant. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go and pick up a new NES game in 2021!