DARKSIDERS GENESIS Shows Simple Angle Shift Can Change Series For The Better

A Whole New Angle on Things

The Darksiders series has also been a bit of a mystery for me personally. I absolutely love anything the Joe Madureira touches, draws, or influences from comic books to concept art to video games and I think that is what truly makes the series special along with the little details and soul that goes into them. That being said, I’ve never truly been GRABBED by any of the titles in the series. Yes, they are gorgeous, fun and have a ton of charm but I just can’t get fully immersed… until now.

DARKSIDERS GENESIS truly switches up the entire series with little more than a camera angle change to isometric. At first, I though, “Ahhh hah! Diablo!” Nope. It’s still Darksiders but it just makes such a huge difference in gameplay to go isometric instead of the standard 3rd person action/platformer we are used to. The same awesome art, characters, voice acting and charm is all there, in fact, I would say, even better than previous entries with explosive action, a fantastic soundtrack and tons of personality to boot. This truly is a diamond in the rough Holiday pile o’ releases.

The banter between War, Strife and the insane enemies is top notch alongside the smooth and silky gun/sword play. If you’ve been hesitant to jump into the series, lore wise, you are good to start here as well. The game is available now for PC and Stadia, coming to consoles in February 2020.