FINAL FANTASY XVI Has Officially Been Revealed!

After having back-to-back success with the newest game in the Final Fantasy franchise, Final Fantasy XV, and the remake of their most popular title of the series, Final Fantasy VII, we now have the next chapter to look forward to. During the PS5 Livestream Event today, Square Enix revealed Final Fantasy XVI with one of the most amazing trailers I have ever seen! It is a little long, but whether or not you are a fan of the series you will find yourself impressed, if not hyped, for this next chapter.

The trailer is highly cinematic and reveals a ton about the story itself, which is a large part of this whole franchises selling points. It does seem the gameplay is leaning more toward the new style presented in both FFXV and FFVII Remake where it is less turn-based and more action-packed RPG, but there is still more to see before it officially gets a release date. Right now, it doesn’t even give us a year, but it is already listed as a PlayStation 5 exclusive title.