GEARS 5 Operation 3 Information Coming Next Tuesday + Ranked System Rework

Earlier this week The Coalition revealed the name of Gears 5’s upcoming Operation 3, Gridiron. They also dropped the key art, giving players a little taste of what is to come in the next operation for Gears 5. Next Tuesday, March 24th, The Coalition plan to provide some more information regarding Operation 3 with a new trailer and special edition of “Whats’s Up” dedicated to Gridiron.

Operation 3 is still on track to arrive on March 31st.

The Coalition also plan to completely rework Gears 5’s ranked system. If you have experienced ranked play in Gears 5 you would know that it just isn’t where it needs to be. The Coalition are aware of the fans’ frustrations with the ranking system’s lack of transparency, and how the mode puts players into unfair situations, stripping the game of any enjoyment.

The whole process will take time, as they are moving away from their current ranked model and building a new one, so changes will come slowly but surely. However, players can expect some immediate changes arriving with the launch of Operation 3. Players will no longer be allowed to play split-screen in Ranked matches, besides 2v2 Gnasher, and players below level 30 will no longer be allowed to play Ranked matches unless they queue with a higher level player.

For a more detailed look at the road ahead for Ranked play and the changes to come, you can check out the official blog post from The Coalition here.