Grab A Friend And Play BIPED To Test Your Teamwork Through A Bonding Experience

Presenting players with obstacles, challenges, and puzzles is something that a lot of games do, but one indie studio wanted to do this in a way that provided a cute and friendly cooperative experience. That studio is NExT Studios who teamed up with META Publishing to bring their newest game, Biped, to PC via Steam and very soon to PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch. While you can get it on Steam today, as it launched just last week, you will see it hit PS4 on April 8th! No date has been given for Nintendo Switch as of yet, unfortunately.

On this friendly journey, players control their cute robot protagonists, Aku and Sila, as they go on a quest to keep the Earth from going dark. You will have to navigate by controlling the robot’s legs with this game’s unique controls. You can walk, slide, and operate puzzles by moving their robot’s legs individually. Teamwork will be essential to progress as you coordinate to explore the world, avoid traps, and even fling your friend to scale walls.

While you can play this game solo, it would best be experienced with a family member or close friend. The PS4 launch trailer above shows off the bonding experience, but the original release date trailer below shows off a lot of the gameplay aspects.