HELLO NEIGHBOR Officially Has An Animated Series!

If you are part of the Hello Neighbor’s fan base, which consists of over 30 million fans, then tinyBuild has a very near surprise for you! They are creating an animated series and putting the episodes up on their official YouTube channel. The goal of this series beginning is to spark enough interest within the community to see if they can get a distribution deal for the show.

The video up top has a full reveal featuring Alex from tinyBuild discussing where the characters came from and many other details regarding the show. The pilot episode did launch on the same day and is included in the full reveal video, but if you just want to watch the pilot then check out the video at the bottom. A quick synopsis of the pilot episode can be explained as: A group of kids led by Nicky are breaking into their creepy Neighbor's house to find their missing friends.

Not many games get an actual show made out for their community, so this is definitely something rare. Millions of people already viewed the pilot episode on day one, but be sure to stay tuned to their channel and show your support for the show if you want to see it become a reality!