Kashtira Finally Makes It To MASTER DUEL

Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel has become a huge part of the card game community since its release last year, and now a card archetype that dominated paper play for months has now landed in Master Duel; Kashtira. As part of a big update the newest selection pack includes a variety of new cards from Dracoslayers, to Vaylantz, to amazement, but all are overshadowed by the inclusion of the Kashtira archetype cards that will dominate the meta from this point onwards.

Aside from the new Kashtira cards the update includes a bunch of cool things. To start I:P Masquerena has a new alternate card art available in its Secret Pack for players to try and pull, so all those whales out there can try and get lucky. The next part of the update is some special daily rewards for players who log in to celebrate 57.3 million downloads. The final inclusion in the update isa Tryout Rental Duel Option where players can try out the Chaos Angel, Vaylantz, and Dracoslayers decks. So all in all now is a great time for any players looking to try out Master Duel.

Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel is available now on PC via Steam, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox X|S, PS4, PS5, and mobile devices.

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