Laika: Aged Through Blood Revs Onto Consoles Today

2023 has been a fantastic year for video games no matter what you like to play. There has been something for everyone whether you prefer indies or AAA, visual novels or cinematic adventures, or anything in between. One of my favorite PC releases is the “motorvania” called Laika: Aged Through Blood. It’s a brutal 2D action title that tells a gruesome story of revenge, love, and responsibility. It’s out now on multiple consoles including Xbox One, Xbox Series S|X, PS4, and the PS5.

Laika: Aged Through Blood Console Launch Trailer

Check out the launch trailer for the console release below:

Laika is also coming to the Nintendo Switch, but next year on January 11th, 2024. However, if you want an “on-the-go” experience, I can confirm that this runs perfectly on the Steam Deck.

Be warned though because Laika is a pretty challenging title, and demands you to learn its mechanics that all revolve around vehicular combat and exploration. it’s satisfying to learn these, and you’ll routinely question how you asked a tricky maneuver as you connect the far end of your pistol with evil birdmen.

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