Learn About The Raider Factions You Can Join In FALLOUT 4 Nuka World DLC

With the latest Nuka World DLC, you'll finally be able to join a Raider faction in the Fallout series. I can't believe it took all the way to Fallout 4 to make this happen! Before you start getting all riled up do gooder completionists, Bethesda said it is possible to join a Raider faction and not be as bad as the actual Raiders. They also outlined the types of Raiders that you'll find in the new DLC...

  • The Disciples: The classic embodiment of a Raider. They're violent and bloody in everything they do.
  • The Operators: More tech-heavy and stealth based Raiders. 
  • The Pack- "Absolutely wild" (according to the video)


You'll also see some of the new weapons the game has to offer. For example, there's a paddle ball that can double as a taser! You'll also learn about the "Thrist Zapper" which looks like it'll be a God weapon by the time people get their hands on it. 

See it all in action in the video below.