Less Than 48 Hours Remaining In CMON Kickstarter For MARVEL UNITED

CMON is a game developer with a history of delivering massively successful Kickstarter campaigns, and the latest one for Marvel United is no exception. Less than 48 hours remain in the campaign, so if you’re interested in backing the tabletop superhero adventure, time is of the essence!

Over 17,000 backers have pledged over $2 million toward the campaign so far. Over 30 stretch goals have been unlocked and four expansions have been announced.

If you’re unfamiliar with the game, Marvel United is a cooperative game designed by Eric M. Lang and Andrea Chiarvesio. Players control Marvel superheroes fight back against iconic villains with teamwork and determination. With a visual style that looks like a tabletop rendering of the Funko Pop! figures, Marvel United will be a fast-paced and challenging experience for gamers.

To learn more about the Kickstarter campaign for Marvel United, click here.

To see other games from CMON, click here.

Are you interested in backing the upcoming tabletop game?

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