New Card Game SCARS Looks To Normalize Our Common Imperfections

There’s a new conversation starter card game coming from Bonfire Socials and it is one that many are sure to appreciate. With today’s world of building tolerance and body positivity, it makes sense that a game would be made to help people normalize their own, and each other’s, imperfections. That’s where their new game SCARS comes in.

This customizable, body-focused conversation card game was first created in 2020. Providing a serious name with playful intent, the game strives to normalize and embrace what it means to have a range of different bodies and that each and every body’s journey is valid, unique, worth sharing, and being heard. Within the 54-card deck, players can expect to find questions like:

  • Have your eyes ever seen something you can’t explain?

  • Do you have any tattoos?

  • What’s the story behind your hairstyle?

  • How did you get your first scar?

What makes this game customizable is that they already have option expansions for the game that is already available. The two choices to increase the deck size are the (More) SCARS expansion pack to continue body-focused conversations or the (Sex)pansion pack (18+) to bring forth conversations around sex.

SCARS is currently running a Kickstarter which is just short of reaching its goal but it still has plenty of time to reach it. If this is a game you want to add to your party game shelf, then snagging one of those reward pledges just might be the best way to claim your own deck. Following the Kickstarter campaign, they are aiming to start shipping out SCARS decks later in 2023.