Original ZOMBIE ARMY TRILOGY Marches Onto Nintendo Switch On March 31st

Following the successful launch of Zombie Army 4, developers Rebellion have decided to push the undead armies to a new platform. Starting with the beloved beginnings of the series, they have announced that the entire Zombie Army Trilogy will be launch for Nintendo Switch at the end of March. And they are doing more than simply porting it over too.

Of course, it comes with everything it had on previous editions. Survive 3 intense story campaigns and take on Horde Mode, all available either in single-player or in drop-in, drop-out co-op for up to 4 players. However, they are including Nintendo Switch specific assets such as local wireless co-op motion controls. Seems they want this launch to be valued for being an edition made specifically for the device it is on.

Feel the love for the Switch console by checking out the Zombie Army Trilogy Nintendo release date trailer and see what battles, challenges, and assets you will have to work with: