Prepare For DRAGONBALL Z: KAKAROT's Second DLC Drop With This Epic Vegeta VS Golden Frieza Fight

With us being only days away from DragonBall Z: Kakarot’s next DLC drop, A New Power Awakens - Part 2, it is time to get excited for what’s to come with some awesome in-game action! Bandai Namco provided the hype this time with a Golden Frieza beat down delivered by SSGSS Vegeta, all done in-game. Of course, the first DLC is still available for those that haven’t taken advantage of that yet, a season pass can be purchased to gain access to all current and upcoming DLC, and a hint for what the next DLC will be was given at the end. After you enjoy this second epic boss fight, it will be time for a whole new story arc!

It seems these developers plan on continuing what is easily the best DragonBall Z game for as long as they can and I, for one, am excited to keep on playing! I’ve been enjoying the game on and off ever seen I beat the initial game for my review and these DLC’s definitely keep it interesting. I’m looking forward to a whole new story arc being added too and not just a big boss battle series. Granted, they are entertaining, but the main aspect I liked about this game over any other DragonBall Z game I have ever played is how accurately and in-depth they let you play through the story arcs. That, and the way the fighting is set up!

Are you looking forward to this second DLC drop on November 17th and the future content planned for DBZ Kakarot?