RAIDERS OF SCYTHIA Board Game Available For Pre-Order

The world may be slowing down due to the coronavirus, but tabletop releases are still coming out to help alleviate our boredom as gamers stay at home and try to avoid large groups of people. Honestly, that sounds like what gamers have been doing for years, but now it’s kinda mandatory.

To capitalize on our growing need for tabletop games and fun things to do, Renegade Game Studios has opened up pre-orders for Raiders of Scythia, which is a new worker-placement game from Shem Phillips coming out in the fall of 2020.

Here’s what you need to know:

Many centuries ago, the Greek, Persian and Assyrian empires controlled vast amounts of land and riches. Yet, despite their fortifications and imposing armies, rumours began spreading of a formidable foe in the lands above the Black Sea. They came on horseback. Fierce warriors, both male and female. Skilled with the sword, axe and bow. But they weren’t mindless savages. Their artisans were renowned for their ability to craft detailed trinkets of gold. They fashioned leather armor and improvised the recurve bow. They trained eagles for hunting and war. Some even believe they inspired the Greek tales of the Amazons. But they were more than legend or fable. They were the Raiders of Scythia.

Choose one of eight Scythian Heroes to play as. Each boasts a unique power that will help you triumph over the other players. As with many of the games from Renegade, Raiders of Scythia also has a solo mode that can be enjoyed if you have quarantined yourself away from all of your gaming buddies.

The upcoming game is an iteration of Raiders of the North Sea, but the design is constantly evolving and growing. This new experience should be an engaging and rewarding tabletop adventure.

If you’ve been staring at a screen for too long as the world slowly shuts down, consider playing some board games. Check out Raiders of Scythia here if you want to learn more about the game.