RING FIT ADVENTURE Encourages You To Get Active

There’s a surprising amount of depth to the upcoming Ring Fit Adventure, which will bring the fitness-oriented fun of previous Nintendo consoles to the Switch. While the community response to the game hasn’t been effusive, Ring Fit Adventure looks like it could be an engaging way to introduce and maintain light exercise if it’s lacking in your daily regimen. And the wide range of activity possible within the game would let you play just as easily with a group.

Nintendo seems to have learned from their previous forays into exercise programs. Ring Fit Adventure boasts a main story that could take a few months of daily play to finish. But quick play, a multitask system that rewards offline use, and other games allow players to utilize the program how they see fit. Also, the banded ring and leg strap enable the player to work on a comprehensive list of exercises to target the entire body. Strength and flexibility are integral to the targeted movements.

Ring Fit Adventure has more to offer than people might assume. It releases on October 18th, at a slightly higher price to account for the peripherals that accompany the game.