SPOTLIGHT: We Chilled With 10 Chambers, Creators Of GTFO And DEN OF WOLVES

On a warm, sunny late November day in San Francisco we dove into the cold depths of GTFO and got a glimpse of the harsh, dark world of the upcoming game Den of Wolves. The entire visit of our 10 Chambers press was constantly marked with these incredible contrasts. From light to dark, from harshness to kindness, was a constantly whiplash in the most satisfying ways.

First off, the folks from 10 Chambers, based out of Stockholm, Sweden, are some of the warmest, kindest, my down-to-earth people I’ve had the pleasure of dealing with in a very long time. Their attention to detail in EVERYTHING from their media efforts to the passion for the games they develop to merch is absolutely top notch. This attention to detail carries over into their games and that speaks volumes in a world of uninspired sequels and so much shovelware. That is definitely not the case with 10 Chambers as we dove into the latest Rundown 8.0 (now live!) of GTFO. It was a heart-pounding, incredible adventure to play with the streaming team at 10 Chambers and if you haven’t played GTFO yet, you need to experience it ASAP.

The unmatched thrill of working with a team of other human players (with options for bots) was an absolute riot as we played with the 10 C team and other media noobs and veterans. Plunging into the depths of GTFO with my teammates was a feeling I haven’t experienced in years with a few satisfying rounds where my trip mine blew us all to Hades to wrap up that portion of the tour.

Previous to our GTFO session though, we got a sneak peek up 10 Chambers upcoming title, now currently in production, Den of Wolves. Words cannot describe the heart-pounding videos that made the hairs stand on the back of my neck. For a game that wasn’t even on my radar, Den of Wolves is now one of my most anticipated titles. If you don’t believe me, just check out the incredible trailer listed above to see the audiovisual, care and craft that the 10 Chambers team has already put into this soon-to-be masterpiece.

I spoke about attention to detail but you ain’t seen nothin’ yet when it comes to the world building that the team has already put into a co-op shooter. With Cyberpunk 2077 levels of detail, the dev team behind Wolves has already started creating brands, logos, and assets for hundreds of entities in their world. Their enthusiasm was incredibly contagious and their genuine love for developing games shines through current and future games.

My jaw dropped when I saw the passion, love, and effort this team is currently putting into GTFO and their future Wolves. Hats off to the amazing devs, press, and management teams of 10 Chambers for an incredible press tour and experience. Growing 10x over the past few years, 10 Chambers is a bright star in the dark world of game development.