Earlier this week it was announced the NACON and KT Racing would be releasing another entry into the WRC series as well as a brand new entry for the Test Drive Unlimited series. Test Drive Unlimed: Solar Crown brings back the high-life feel from this sub-series from Test Drive. The brand new cinematic trailer titled “Head to Head” is highlighted with fancy cars and high-stakes gambling. The series had been on hiatus for almost a decade so it’s nice to see it finally return. Solar Crown is teased to be the first of many chapters for the future of the series. This means that NACON and KT Racing have a lot planned going forward.

Solar Crown will bring back the rich and immersive environments that the series is known for as well as bring in new features to push the series even further. Of course, the game will have beautiful cars, customization, avatars, competitions, and casinos for gamers to dig into and have fun with. NACON has teased that more news will be coming in July so there is a bit of time until we get to see more of what Solar Crown really has to offer. It hasn’t been said what platforms that it will release on besides PC at this point either. I’d love to see it release on consoles too as past entries in the series have. We’ll see though.