Trainers Can Pre-Register For POKEMON SLEEP Today!

The Pokémon Company has officially announced that they have opened pre-registration for Pokémon Sleep for anticipating Android users! There still isn’t any information on this title coming to Apple devices, but interested Trainers can head over to Google Play and pre-register for the game right now.

If you are new to Pokémon Sleep, here are some aspects of the game to give you a head start on what to expect:

  • Three Sleep Types: Pokémon Sleep categorizes sleep into Dozing, Snoozing, and Slumbering, and Pokémon matching a player’s sleep style will gather around Snorlax. Trainers can give Poké Biscuits to make Pokémon friendlier and join as helper Pokémon.

  • Snorlax’s Drowsy Power: Players will be assigned a “sleep score” based on how long they sleep, maxing out at 100 points for 8.5 hours. Based on this score, Snorlax’s Drowsy Power will increase and affect how many Pokémon gather overnight. During the day, players can raise Snorlax with berries gathered by helper Pokémon.

  • Sharable Sleep Research: A new weekly research cycle starts each Monday when players select a new site with unique Pokémon encounters and a different Snorlax to raise. Players can share their sleep duration and type with registered friends and information like the number of sleep styles studied and their helper Pokémon.

  • The Pokémon GO Plus +: A nightcap-wearing Pikachu will appear in Pokémon Sleep for users who’ve paired a Pokémon GO Plus + device with the app. This special Pikachu will become a sixth helper Pokémon, although teams usually max out at five. Additionally, a Pokémon GO Plus + device connected to Pokémon GO will keep track of spun PokéStops, allowing players to collect additional berries to use in Pokémon Sleep.

Pokémon Sleep is coming to Mobile devices via Android soon, but there is no exact release date just yet. The best way to catch when it goes live is to pre-register today!