TROVE'S St. Qubeslick Event: A Lucky Adventure!

Trovians! Trove's latest event, St. Qubeslick, is here! From now until March 26 at 11 AM UTC, dive into dungeons across Neon City, Luminopolis, Desert Frontier, and Jurassic Jungle. Encounter Luckbeasts and Fluxbeasts, and hunt down elusive Lucksnakes for valuable Fragments of Luck.

Discover mysterious O'Lucky Stones scattered throughout the world, summoning even fiercer foes. Capture Lucksnakes to trade with Sir O'Lucky for fantastic rewards. Plus, unlock two allies, two mounts, and three Bomber Royale Bomb skins to add flair to your adventures.

Don't miss out on the excitement of St. Qubeslick in Trove—fortune favors the bold!

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