10 Tips to Reduce Lag in Games That You Need to Keep Handy

by Guest User

If you’re an avid gamer, you can relate that lags in the game can kill the entire vibe, period. Whether it’s a friendly match or a tournament, having lags will ruin your gameplay, ultimately leading to a loss and frustration. Fortunately, there are ways you can minimize this catastrophe.

Source: sellugsk.live

With some easy-to-implement tips, you can reduce gaming lags ruining your gameplay, given you don’t have toxic teammates, that is something you have to deal with on your own. But for now, use these tips below to reduce gaming lags:

Kickass Ways to Reduce Lags

1. Get a Good Internet

2. Go for a Wired Connection

3. Getting a Good Router

4. Closing Background Apps

5. Getting the Right Device

6. Closing the Web Browser

7. Clearing the Cache

8. Reducing the Number of Users on the Network

9. Use Airtime Fairness and QoS

10. Check for Updates

Get a Good Internet

First thing first; invest in a good internet if you don’t want lags in gaming. A good internet with high speeds, seamless connectivity, and no data cap can serve as a foundation for a great gaming session.

You can go with Cox Internet plans that will truly accompany you on your missions or any other fiber internet for superior connectivity. Having reliable internet resolves most lag issues; hence, it’s something that you should invest in without second thoughts. You can reach out to cox customer representatives 24/7 for better guidance and for the Spanish speaking customers a dedicated helpline is available at Cox Servicio al Cliente.

Go for a Wired Connection

Instead of using your Wi-Fi, using a wired connection for your gaming needs is a great way of reducing lags. Wi-Fi is prone to signal interference caused by appliances, distance from the router, and other reasons.

However, a wired connection brings true speed from the router to your device. Also, it’s not prone to interferences such as the Wi-Fi. Hence, you can expect to have smooth connectivity with high speeds as prescribed in your internet plan.

Getting a Good Router

If you’re keen on connecting to Wi-Fi for your gaming needs, then it’s better to invest in a good internet router. You can find several gaming internet routers in the market that have the capability to ensure superb coverage, minimize lags with the Quality of Service (QoS) feature, and enable fast speeds for the devices connected.

Source: edition.cnn.com

Mind you these gaming routers are expensive than ordinary routers. So unless you’re building a gaming den and need everything spot on, you should try to go with a wired connection instead of spending too much on a gaming router.

Closing Background Apps

A good reason why you’re not getting enough juice from your network is due to too many applications running in the background. They may seem incapable of hurting the performance individually but collectively, they can disrupt the flow of speed, producing lags.

A common way of knowing about the apps running is through your task manager, which illustrates which processes are running. Here, you can also check their impact and decide to terminate the processes that can wait until you’re done gaming.

Closing the Web Browser

Even with the right-built device and a good internet connection, you can experience lags if you’re running too many tabs on your web browser. Just like the background apps, web browser tabs take up space on your device’s memory as well as consume internet resources to keep the tabs ready.

This mostly happens when you’re restoring the tabs since they’re stored in the cache, using more than usual resources. You can either close the web browser completely or close as many tabs as possible to reduce resource consumption and ultimately, the lags.

Getting the Right Device

Another reason why you may be experiencing lags in the game can be due to the poor build of your gaming device. If you’re running high-end games on a low-build PC/laptop, there’s a good chance that it will not handle the pressure.

Source: www.geekawhat.com

Your device will try to meet the performance demands; however, due to the low-performing capability of the components, it will definitely have a hard time processing and can produce game lags or even crash the game.

Clearing the Cache

Earlier we mentioned that web browser tabs are restored since they’re stored in the cache. However, whether it’s your browser’s or your device’s, the cache also takes up resources significantly.

It does so in order to run frequently used processes; hence, unless it’s consuming resources such as memory, processing, and the internet, it won’t be able to restore the processes effectively. But you should habituate clearing the cache so that these occupied resources are freed.

Reducing the Number of Users on the Network

The greater the number of users on the network, the slower will be the internet speed. In most cases, even a single user can consume the entire internet speed by running high-end processes such as gaming, streaming, downloading, etc.

When this happens, other users are unable to get anything, resulting in little to no internet speed, let alone lags. Moreover, features such as QoS, airtime fairness, etc. aren’t available on regular routers that optimize network speed according to the processes.

In such cases, you should disconnect all devices, change the credentials to your network, and reconnect your devices again. You should be able to see the connected devices and their network consumption, enabling you to optimize the network better.

Use Airtime Fairness and QoS

In addition to reconnecting your devices, you should get yourself a router that has network optimization features such as QoS and airtime fairness. These minimize resource deadlock and optimize the consumption of the network according to the processes running.

Quality of Service (QoS) prioritizes tasks on the network and maximizes network performance for it. You can use QoS to get maximum performance for your gaming, and make available the remaining network to other connected devices.

Using airtime fairness, you can prioritize time slots for each process to ensure that there’s no deadlock and that every process is completed without a high wait time. You can set it for gaming preferences as needed.

Check for Updates

From the router to your gaming device, updates are important for running things smoothly. Installing pending updates can install pending security and performance patches, which will eventually reduce lags and optimize your network.

Closing Thoughts

Game lags are menacing but with the tips mentioned above, you can easily deal with them and enjoy a lag-free gaming session, full of adrenaline, rage, and victory screams!

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