11 bit studios Responds To News With Ukrainian Charity Pledge

As you may well know, yesterday Russia officially invaded Ukraine. While there are countless questions to be answered on the situation, one Polish studio is speaking up for their neighboring country and pledging a charity for the country. For the charity, 11 bit studios felt it was only right to use their anti-war game This War of Mine.

For the next seven days, all profits from This War of Mine, all its DLCs, on all stores and all platforms will go to a special fund. A week from now, this money will be donated to the Ukrainian Red Cross to directly support victims of war in Ukraine. Doing this charity act is a matter of crucial timing and it is fitting that they are using their game that directly speaks about the suffering and misery of civilians who are affected by war.

If you are looking for ways to support Ukraine at this time, here is the easiest way for you to do so and get a new game out of it. Below you can find a full statement from the entire 11 bit studios team.