11 bit studios Teases PROJECT VITRIOL As Their 'Biggest Game Yet'

Popular indie game publisher 11 bit studios have had their External Development subdivision team working hard on something new and they are ready to unveil it. Simply titled Project Vitriol, this game is being developed with a budget of well over 17 million Polish zlotys, allowing for full voice-acting and motion capture sessions for characters in the game! To unveil this project, they have released the teaser trailer above.

While the teaser doesn’t tell us much about this deep, morally ambiguous narrative-driven RPG, here’s what Jakub Rokosz, CEO/Project Lead at Fool’s Theory, had to say about it. “Let me unveil a bit of the real essence: the game is about the esoteric side of reality, that dark part of the world that most of us don't see and are not aware of. But the darkness—it is there, lurking behind every corner. It watches us closely from the shadows, and whether we know it or not, takes its toll, making sure we’re going to have a debt to pay. [Vitriol’s] story begins in a place and time where reality, folklore, energy, and mysticism met together in a melting pot: early XX century Warsaw, under imperial Russian tsardom. Global reveal of Project Vitriol coming this summer!”

We also got some input from Marek Ziemak, the External Development Director at 11 bit studios. “We’re constantly building our vision of meaningful entertainment, and what it means to our company and the games we're putting our brand on. But achievements like [units sold]... prove that artistic and commercial successes can come in pairs. And we're not stopping there, as our team is constantly scouting and talking to many talents all around the world."

Alongside this project, 11 bit studios have also announced their Publisher Steam Sale, which features many of their beloved titles that are currently available. But before you head over to the sale, let us know in the comments below what you think of this new project reveal. Are you interested to see more about Project Vitriol?