Rainbow Six Siege Reveals PC and Console Crossplay Coming With Operation Collision Point

Rainbow Six Siege just gave us a look at Operation Collision Point, and one of the highlights aside from the Blackbeard Rework is the addition of Console and PC crossplay voluntarily. Console players will now have a new choice in their matchmaking in addition to the present choices, and this could mean games get much more interesting in the future.

The debrief begins at the 2:10 mark in the below video.

This comes as a major surprise and fans who were previously unable to play with friends on PC can now play together and also rank up as well on the same Ubisoft account across different platforms, this is something I am looking forward to happening!

With these changes, the competitive environment in Rainbow Six Siege might see new dynamics as players on different platforms bring entirely different strategies and skill levels. We may even see a rise in Boosting for Rainbow 6, as crossplay brings in a massive variety of players.

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