5 PS5 Games I Am Looking Forward To In 2024

With the recent State of Play, I am reminded of games I already had on my list, and a few others that just added. While I am sure there will be more to come, these are the 5 titles I am most looking forward to playing with the current look at gameplay.

Until Dawn Remake - Fall 2024

As a fan of narrative adventure titles, Until Dawn was one of the first games I played on the PS4 and thoroughly enjoyed the journey. It was also a fun platinum to go after and helped with my trophy hunting journey on a new console generation. WIth the remake, I look forward to new content, getting the platinum all over again, and waiting to see all the familiar sights and sounds of the remake taking me back to the various places in the scenic mountain resort.

While a fixed release date continues to evade fans, I am really looking forward to a fixed release date so I can pre-order the game!

Silent Hill 2 - Octocber 8, 2024

After 22 years, one of the most iconic psychological horror games is getting a remake. Whether or not it holds up to the original will be a difficult task to achieve, but if what I saw last night is any indication, it could mean the series is set for a good return. Yes, admittedly some of the voice acting and character design choices may not be the best, but the combat and story does look more polished.

When you consider the only other way of playing the game prior is the abyssmal Silent Hill HD Collection on the PS3, this is a victory I am willing to take, even if it does have its visible flaws.

Alien: Rogue Incursion - Holiday 2024

I have had more than my fill of VR in all forms. Starting with the first Oculus to playing the Meta Quest 3 briefly. It is not something I am eagerly fond of, but the occassional title does make me happy the technology exists. My last favorite VR game was Half-Life: Alyx and as a big fan of the Alien universe, I can only imagine the thrills that await fans in VR.

Equipped with weapons from the movies and the motion detector, VR is defintely one of the best ways a horror fan would want to be a part of the universe. After the thrills given to me by Alien: Isolation, I can say that Alien: Rogue Incursion is definitely something that can tempt me to give the VR2 a try.

Concord - August 23, 2024

Yes, it is another run of the mill hero shooter, but in a time where the genre is somewhat in a slump, I welcome any competition. Sony has been known to be a platform where the atmsophere is one of the more memorable aspects of their games. They have shown this time and again with titles like the Uncharted series, Bloodborne, Horizon series, and many other titles.

Whlle the title will cost money or will be free to play is still the burning question many fans have, but I know I am looking forward to some competition in the hero shooter genre.

Astro Bot - September 6, 2024

Easily the title that singlehandedly redeemed the State of Play. What started off as a gimmick on the PS4 via Astro’s Playroom, into 2 VR titles, the pack-in software was also a fan favorite of new PS5 owners. This game will not be as short as Astro’s Playroom on the PS5, and the trailer alone shows plenty more worlds to explore with opportunities to meet other members of the PlayStation family, the game is full of charisma, charm, and is just bursting with personality.

Whatever the cards hold, I know that Astro Bot is easily one of my most anticipated games of the year that is not a AAA entry.

While I know there will be more announcements from PlayStation in June at Summer Game Fest, these are currently my picks of games I know I can count on playing in 2024.

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