A BOY AND HIS BLOB Expanding to PC and New Gen Consoles

Developer WayForward and publisher Abstraction Games are bringing the adorable puzzle-solving, shape shifting tale of A Boy and His Blob to the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Originally a Wii exclusive title, A Boy and His Blob has received high marks and is haled as one of the best indie titles on the Nintendo console. The unique mechanic of the boy's shape shifting friend makes for a variety of cool and interesting ways to solve a variety of puzzles, and now you'll be able to do so from your new-gen consoles or Windows PC.

A Boy and His Blob will be available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC on January 19th.

A Boy and His Blob makes its triumphant return! A reimagining of the NES classic, as the boy, you feed your blob jelly beans and watch him transform into cool and useful objects to solve puzzles and escape danger.

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