Beyond: Two Souls is making its way to PC exclusively on the Epic Games Store, following the awesome release of Heavy Rain. This paranormal thriller starring Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe has players assume the role of Jodie Holmes. Players will be treated to a story set around Jodie’s connection to a mysterious entity that has enormous power. The story unfolds through different times in Jodie’s life and explores themes like accepting yourself for who you are.
“Beyond: Two Souls is a very personal story to me. I wanted to create a journey into the life of a character, discovering Jodie Holmes from when she was a kid up to when she is an adult. Through the different strong moments of her life, I wanted to show how what we experience makes us who we are. It is a story about accepting oneself, about identity, about death and what’s on the other side. Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe delivered incredibly intense and moving acting performances, making the journey of Jodie Holmes an experience that may well haunt you for a long time.”
Like Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls has received upgrades specific for its PC release. These new features include a 60 FPS frame rate, native mouse and keyboard controls and a resolution bump up to 4K! Ultra-wide resolution compatibility has also been mentioned but will probably involve pillar-boxing a 16:9 image in a 21:9 frame like on Heavy Rain. Check out the PC launch trailer below!
Unlike Heavy Rain, which I first played back during its original PS3 release, I have never played Beyond: Two Souls. I remember loving the E3 2013 trailer of the game and thinking it looked amazing. Unfortunately at the time my PS3 was broken and I didn’t replace it for a few years. I also didn’t own my PS4 when the game got its re-release in 2015. Needless to say I am pretty stoked about this release! Beyond: Two souls is available now for $19.99 on the Epic Games Store. You can catch our full review coming soon!
What did you all think of Beyond: Two Souls?