
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and Warzone are getting their second season on Thursday (February 25th), and it really looks like the build-up may be starting to pay off. Warzone is getting to its first anniversary and Black Ops seems to be trying to implement more gameplay elements and try new things. Of course, you have all of the unlockable goodies within the Battle Pass, but it’s the story and possible gameplay additions that I’m more excited for, even if it’s all rumors. The first season since Black Ops’ release aimed its sights directly at bringing the BOCW characters into the fold in Verdansk, but it seems that both games are getting their cake and eating it too this time.

First off, there are the obvious additions for Black Ops like the new larger-scale zombies mode, Outbreak, which really has my interest. I’ve played a bunch of zombies since release but have grown tired of it. This new large arena to kill zombies in really makes me feel like it’s time to double-tap some undead. Treyarch is really doubling down on reinvigorating the zombies game mode and they’ve done more than I’d ever expected them to do in just a single game. It’s looking good.


My favorite parts though have to do with Warzone itself. We know that there are going to be new game modes as well as the Zombies Outbreak event which will add zombies to Verdansk. What we don’t really know is what that storm implies and what the ship is carrying to the iconic Warzone map. Rumors speculate that it’s good ol’ Soap Mactavish aboard that ship. Other rumors are circulating that on March 11th, Verdansk will be no more due to a nuclear blast.

The fact that the map hasn’t changed all that much in the past year does indicate that something should be afoot very shortly. I play the heck out of Warzone so I’m one of the players that really wouldn’t shed a tear at the sight of a new map to drop into with my buddies. I think it’s healthy for Battle Royale games to switch or change up their maps often, it helps to keep players interested as well as to establish new game mechanics or characters. Either way, season 2 is going to be a blast. (pun intended)

When one chapter ends... another begins.🧟‍♂️ A massive, all-new Zombies experience.👥 Four New Operators🔫 Six New Weapons🗺 New MP Maps🚢... #WarzoneGet re...