Capcom Warns Of Fake RESIDENT EVIL VILLAGE Early Access Invites

Scammers doing what scammers do best, another exciting release is being used to try and prey upon the interested player base. As many of us can’t wait for Resident Evil Village to be released, especially after enjoying an entertaining demo with a certain focal point character grabbing the attention of the internet, there are always hopes for more samples of the game leading to launch. While, sadly, there is nothing officially planned to release prior to the planned May 7th game release, Capcom sends out a warning of a series of fake emails that have been infiltrating many inboxes.

Capcom states, “We’ve been made aware that there are currently emails circulating that pretend to contain “Early Access invitations" to Resident Evil Village. The sender address is being displayed as “no-reply(at)capcom(dot)com.” We want to inform you that these messages are NOT from Capcom and appear to be phishing attempts by an unauthorized third party. If you have received such a message, please DO NOT download any files or reply, and delete the message immediately.”

So, there you have it. If you get an email regarding an early access invitation to Resident Evil Village, make sure you delete it immediately and don’t bother opening it! It only takes one to ruin a good thing and it seems that we now have that one trying their luck. Stay safe, stay smart, and stay vigilant folks.