Check Out The First Footage Of PSYCHONAUTS 2 Right Here

Double Fine Productions has been keeping us excited about this little number for some time. In 2015 they did a charming 3-part documentary on the creation of Psychonauts, just before they started a crowdfunding campaign for Psychonauts 2. Will a full 5 days to spare in that campaign, they had more than reached their goal in early 2016. 

Not wanting to leave us high and dry, they have finally released the first footage of Psychonauts 2, which is slated for release early 2018.

I'm really excited to get my hands on this game, especially to try out the psi-powers, such as telekinesis, pyrokinesis and levitation, to name a few. I haven't played the original Psychonauts and notice that the storyline of Psychonauts 2 is a direct sequel to the first game, so I may just have to see if I can obtain the first one before I play the sequel.

Have you played Psychonauts? Is it worth getting excited as I am about the sequel? Let us know.



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