CYBERPUNK 2077 Sells 25 Million Copies And I'm Just In It For The Fashion

Cyberpunk 2077 should have never been released on old consoles. They are too old and slow. Cyberpunk was at least 3 years ahead of its time and those consoles weren’t up to snuff. Oh PS, CDPR just announced that the game has sold over 25 million copies and it deserves it. Why? Because it’s a premium game meant to be played on a PS5, XSX, or a high-end PC and it’s got lots of fashion. Yeah, the main story is good. Hunting down every piece of fashion and clothing in the game? Even better.

Me. Sans pants.

Yeah. No. Really. Stop doing the main quest. Go out and explore. Listen and look. It’s amazing world chock full of weirdies and freaks that drop clothes. Some of the best fashion is found off the beaten path. Like this. Go find it. It’s a huge world out there.

Me. Sans everything but pants.