CYBERPUNK 2077 Will Get Reversible Cover Art!

Cyberpunk 2077 is going to be an amazing game when it finally releases in April 2020. There will be tons of freedom on how to build your character, V, and ways to approach objectives. There is also a ton of cool tech so what’s not to like! V can be made as either a male or female character allowing player further choice on how they want to play and experience the story.

It has now been revealed that players who pick up the physical copy of the game will also have this same choice when it comes to the games cover art. By default the Cyberpunk 2077 box depicts a male V across its front. on the back side however a female V will take center stage. I imagine this will work much like the cover art for Mass Effect 3 did back in 2012 with a male and female Shepard being depicted while the rest of the art remained untouched. For those of you out there who want your covers to have female representation your wish has been granted!

Which side of the cover do you think you all will use?

Source: Reddit