Experience Shells-Like Combat When ANOTHER CRAB'S TREASURE Releases In 2023

The word “Souls-like” gets thrown around a lot. This generally brings with it a sense of medieval-inspired fantasy story-telling with a steep difficulty curve. Developed and published by Aggro Crab, Another Crab’s Treasure takes inspiration from the Souls-like moniker while breaking the genre out of its shell. Revealed during today’s Nintendo Indie World showcase, this is a unique take on the genre that exchanges some of the tried-and-true elements of other Souls-likes to bring something fresh.

Taking place under the sea, Another Crab’s Treasure lets you take control of Kril, a hermit crab living in an underwater world that has seen better days. Throughout the game, your adventure will let you discover over 50 unique shells for Krill, though you will have to wear trash in order to defend yourself. Other ocean dwellers will help you along your path by teaching you new techniques, such as utilizing the power of the Mantis Shrimp to find victory.

Environments will take you to many beautiful locales, ranging from kelp forests to the unflinching darkness of the ocean deep. The game will come with a slew of accessibility options too, promising a great time for people completely unfamiliar with the genre to those who exclusively play it. If you’re more interested in the story, then you can play it that way, at your own pace, and if you want to become a champion of submarine melee combat, that option is there for you too.

Another Crab’s Treasure is slated for release on Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam in 2023.

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