Fantasy Aerial Combat Abounds in THE FALCONEER

Releasing in 2020 for Xbox One and PC, The Falconeer is the latest project from Wired Productions. Designed and developed by Tomas Sala as an airborne RPG, The Falconeer is set in the ocean-world fantasy of The Great Ursee, where the waters hide ancient secrets and the skies are filled with wonder and treachery. The beautiful world is hauntingly portrayed in the trailer to the alluring sound of "Lift Me Up” by Sherry Dyanne.

Breathtaking locations and open-world exploration are threatened by the rival factions that will doggedly pursue you as you take your aerial mount into the cloud-filled heavens. Arm yourself because The Great Ursee has much hidden. It will take a strong adventurer to seek out answers and victory in the wartorn sky.

The Falconeer has won two Game Connection Developer Awards in the Best Hardcore and Best PC/Console categories.

We’re excited to learn more about The Falconeer closer to the game’s release.

What do you think of the aerial combat?