First MONSTER HUNTER WORLD PC Update Introduces Devilijho

Last month, the highly-successful title, Monster Hunter World, finally arrived on the PC after it was initially released earlier this year for the PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Now, Capcom has released the first update for the PC version, that introduces the fierce monster Devilijho. 

The latest update has brought about a plethora of bug fixes to the PC version. However, the most exciting feature is the inclusion of the first Devilijho mission. Of course, the update also included several Devilihjo weapons and Vangis α and β armor sets. 

Furthermore, the PC update also features a few bonuses such as a specialized tool called the Dragonproof Mantle and a brand new DLC Astera 3 Star Chef Coat outfit for the handler. However, the handler’s costume will be acquired through in-game purchase. 

Monster Hunter World is now available for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. 

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