Release Date And PC Specs For MONSTER HUNTER WORLD Revealed

Monster Hunter: World PC version is coming to Steam on August 9th! 💻 More info: 🛒 Pre-order: ©CAPCOM CO., LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Six months after the release of Capcom's Monster Hunter World on consoles, the specs for the long-awaited PC version of the game has been revealed and is scheduled to release on August 9.

Besides the specs, Capcom also revealed some of the PC version's Advanced Graphics Settings. Players will be given a multitude of options concerning visuals such as the ability to manipulate the game's environment. Settings would include changing the foliage sway, subsurface scattering, water reflection, and dynamic range.

Also, players who will pre-purchase the game on Steam will receive the Origin armor set and the Fair Wind Charm. A Deluxe Edition will also be available that will feature customization items similar to the console versions of Monster Hunter World. 

You can check out the Minimum and Recommended Specs the game would require below:



Are you excited for the PC version of Monster Hunter World? Share your thoughts in the comments below. 

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