FORTNITE'S Latest Update Aims To Bring Building Improvements

Try out the new Building improvements in V.3.0.0!

Several changes and a faster, easier building mechanic is what Fortnite’s latest update hopes to achieve with the new v.3.0.0 update.

In a blog post via the game’s official website, Epic Games explained in detail the four new ways to make building in-game and while in combat, faster and easier. First, the update will feature the “Turbo Building” option, that allows players to hold down their primary fire and at the same time continuously place building pieces. Furthermore, players will now be able to paint building pieces into the world quickly. Turbo Building can be toggled in the Game options. 

The new update will also introduce the feature “Auto Change Materials”, which will allow players to quickly switch to another material whenever their current supply gets depleted. This option can also be toggled on or off in the Game Options. Furthermore, it will allow players to build defensive structures, without having to worry about certain materials. 

The biggest change that this new update will bring to Fortnite is the ability to build through objects. Players will now be able to build through trees, rocks, and even vehicles. The reasoning behind this feature is to prevent objects in the environment from accidentally blocking the player’s building placement. However, Epic Games also warned players that building structures should still be supported by the terrain and other buildings. 

Lastly, the final feature in the new update will only affect the Battle Royale mode of the game for the time being. This feature fixes the issues players encounter when they switch between building pieces that sometimes result into lagging. To fix this issue, Epic changed the network code in the game so that choosing your building piece would no longer have to go through Epic’s servers. 

What do you think of the latest update in Fortnite? Did they miss any issue that could have made building way better? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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