GWENT: THE WITCHER CARD GAME Beta Starts in September

Gwent: The Witcher Card Game gets an official announcement and trailer as part of Microsoft’s E3 presentation. Previously, we reported that the logo for the game has just been recently trade-marked, so it’s a nice surprise to see it get announced so soon. Despite its simplicity I definitely enjoyed playing a few rounds of Gwent in the middle of key scenes during the main quest, and I especially love how down for Gwent every NPC is regardless of what they may be doing. From the look of it the game will be adding some more intricate mechanics to the gameplay compared to the in-game mini-game, will be cross-platform, and will even feature a single-player campaign. Check out the super cheesy yet kind of charming trailer below:

Join in The Witcher universe's favorite card game! In GWENT, you clash with your friends in fast paced duels that combine bluffing, on-the-fly decision making and careful deck construction. Play your cards right and manage a three-row battle formation as you unleash your hand over a best-of-three series of rounds.

A closed beta is planned to begin in September for Xbox One and PC and you can sign up for that here.

According to the official website, the game will be  free to play and will offer in-game purchases. Although the initial beta has only been announced for Xbox and PC the game will later be released for PlayStation 4 as well. A few of the planned game modes are single player adventure, skirmish, and player vs. AI.

I can totally see myself nerding out with this game like in the trailer although for that I feel like a mobile version of the game would be more appropriate, and apparently I’ll have to keep wishing for a full deck physical box set because as of now there’s no plan to release one.  

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