Helldivers 2 WIll No Longer Require PSN Linking

After a rocky weekend where the game got 200,000 negative reviews on Steam, and was delisted from 177 countries, Sony has changed their mind on the update issued on Friday. Helldivers can continue to deliver Democracy without the chains of a PSN account.

Helldivers 2 had one heck of a weekend that fans will not soon forget, and after a lot of consideration, Sony decided to undo their policy and has made the previous status of the title permanent. You can conitnue playing the game without linking your PSN, even after May 30th.

Fans across the internet rejoiced in the victory, and the developers, Arrowhead Studios are also overjoyed with the change.

As of the time of writing this, the game is still not available for sale in 177 countries on Steam, so lets hope that is aslo reverted soon.

The game can potentially continue its trend of being one of the best releases of 2024, albeit this will be a bumpy piece of history that will be remembered along the journey.

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