HITMAN Proves to Be Doing Post-Launch Content Right

About a week ago we heard that IO Interactive and Square Enix were pushing the release date for Hitman until next March. One of the major reasons they were doing so was their desire to create more content to release after launch. Now normally that can spell for some nasty business, as games like Destiny have left gamers feeling a little burned about crazy high price tags just to play the full game. But Hitman is approaching things in a different sort of way. When the game launches you'll get the initial collection of story maps, sandbox locations, and various other goodies. Then, taking more time to make them nice and polished, they will release another set of content. But you won't have to pay a dime more than you normally would have!

That's right, the initial launch and the additional content will be priced in a way that if you buy both, you're still just paying your average $60 USD. That is super cool and can help put a few gamers who had heard the news last week a little more at ease. I fully intend to at least pick up the $34.99 USD initial release, as that is a price-point I can get behind. Now if more games could take a page out of IO Interactive's book... I'm looking at you Assassin's Creed.

Hitman's initial launch will be March 11th, 2016. The games is coming to PS4, XBOX One, and PC.

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